About us

Lod, Laboratory of Dynamic Olfactometry specialized in measuring odors, was created in 2003, within the Technological Park of Friuli Innovazione. As a Spin-off of the University of Udine since 2007, Lod offers services to public and private companies,such as quantifying odor emissions and evaluating potential olfactory impacts.


Presently located in the UNIUD LAB VILLAGE, LOD is one of the most qualified European dynamic olfactometry laboratories. 

Lod provides analyses on odors originating from processes of any type and nature, in order to provide objective data that allow quantifying the emitted odor.  


Quite often, techniques of chemical-physical analyses do not allow solving problems: this is why it is essential to associate them with sensory methodologies. It is precisely in this framework that dynamic olfactometry comes in, as a group of selected people determines the detection threshold of sampled air.

The number of dilutions necessary to have smell reach the olfactory detection threshold is expressed as an index of odor concentration in Odor Units per Meter.

LOD: Laboratorio Olfattometria Dinamica

Spin-off dell’Università degli Studi di Udine