Lod takes part to the workshop on entrepreneurship and universities in the framework of Confindustri

13 September 2022

“Entrepreneurship: from university to business considering current challenges and opportunities”

Event organized by Punto Impresa UNIUD, Monday 26 September at 2.30 pm – Confindustria Udine

Adriano Luci, Chairman of LOD - the DynamicOlfactometry Laboratory of Gruppo Luci, a spin-off of the University ofUdine - will take part to the workshop dedicated to new challenges and opportunities deriving from relationships betweenbusinesses and universities. The event is promoted by Punto Impresa UNIUDand will be held on Monday 26 September at 2.30 pm in Palazzo Torriani, headquarters of ConfindustriaUdine.

Who is it addressing to?

The meeting is open to students,entrepreneurs, graduates and citizens interested in economic-socialdevelopment initiatives derivingfrom the cooperationbetween businesses and universities. It will be an opportunity to discuss experiences oftransition from the academic world to business, also with reference to theparticular historical period we are living in.

The Event Program

The meeting will be attended by Paolo Omero, CEO of InfoFactory; Luca Casarsa, CEO of Advantech Time; Cristina Mattiussi, partner of Engen Meccanica; and Renzo Guerra, Managing Director of Sintek

Discussions will be coordinated by Maria Chiarvesio, professor of Economics and Business Management at the University of Udine.

The opening speech will be delivered by Monica Anese, UNIUD Technology Transfer Delegate, and Dino Feragotto, as Vice President of Confindustria Udine. The final speech will be delivered by Massimo Calzoni, Invitalia Head of Promotion and Networking.

The workshop is part of a series of events called "Companies at professors’ desks" organized by Punto Impresa UNIUD as part of the Shared Project with Fondazione Friuli, which intends to promote events and activities supporting local business and cultural growth.


It is possible to register for the event by Sept. 22 through the form at the following link:Registrationform:

Registration Form

LOD: Laboratorio Olfattometria Dinamica

Spin-off dell’Università degli Studi di Udine